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Discover a world of Awe and Wonder

"Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder” Eberhard Arnold

Children have a right to experience awe and wonder while exploring and learning about the world around them. We believe that being allowed to explore concepts and environments in a child led, naturalistic and consultative manner leads to life - long learning for young children and increases emotional health and well being.


Our team at Awe and Wonder Education supports naturalistic play and learning for young children through training, consultancy and the use of naturalistic, open ended resources with high play affordance.


Awe and Wonder Education was created by Debra Aylmore who saw the value of naturalistic learning for their young families and believed that all children should have this right.

We are based in Albany, Western Australia but work throughout Australia delivering training, supporting educators in creating naturalistic learning and supplying high quality sensorial resources.



We offer a wide range of resources that encourage play and stimulate learning. Many of our products are designed by us and some are created for us by small trade companies. Sourced from across the globe, each resource is chosen for their play potential and benefits to sensorial and experiential learning, with many coming from developing countries and based on fair-trade and environmentally friendly ethics.


Our Dreams

“The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work.” Unknown

Debra “That children learn to respect the world around them by exploring their natural environment, if they are unable to touch and smell nature how will they respect and protect the worlds forest’s and natural environments when they are adults”

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