Kirsty Liljegren
A collision of perspectives: Drawing on everyday challenges to unravel possibilities
Can pedagogical documentation: Be inspiring? Thinking together to enlighten our work
Kirsty Liljegren is a highly regarded professional learning provider for the ECEC and early primary sector.
Sharing her wisdom and experience as a teacher and leader in the sector over many years, stories from practice punctuate her sessions. Kirsty draws on her insatiable curiosity about learning with and for children and adults in her welcoming and relatable style.
Through this attitude and disposition of being a researcher, Kirsty believes that we can authentically make a difference in the lives of children and families as we optimise the conditions for children to learn and flourish as part of a community of learners.
Kirsty’s approach to her work builds from a commitment to the right of educators to be intellectually and emotionally engaged in what they do as part of this profession.
Collaborating with others is something that brings great joy to what Kirsty’s does, and she is incredibly excited about designing and delivering this session alongside the wonderful Louise Dorrat for this innovative conference!